Norbauer & Co.

Group Buys Status

If you participated in one of my group buys and haven't yet received your shipping confirmation, that means I'm still waiting on factories to provide me some or all components of your order. This page, generally updated weekly, provides the latest on where things stand.

The pleasures of anticipation.

The standard wait time for a Ferrari is two years—just sayin'. ;) As I think previous participants in my group buys would vouch, I like to take my time and do things right. All cases are made-to-order in limited editions, and I generally don't carry inventory of any design. I can only ask for patience and assure you that I'm working closely with anyone who owes me parts on an almost daily basis to move things along swiftly. If you have any specific concerns, just send a my way.

Group Buys with Status

Updated 22 Nov 2018


All cases have been shippped.

A new round of in-stock cases will be coming soon. Stay tuned on my email list.


Round 3.1415

This round is currently being manufactured; machining is complete but several other finishing steps remain before they can be shipped to the US. A few planned extras are currently available.

Rounds 1-2.5

All cases have successfully shipped to participants. All extras are sold out.