
So Git has this charming habit of leaving directories intact when you use it to delete their content. If you try to delete, say, vendor/rails, it will therefore leave a barren ghost-town of EDGE directories intact.

This will cause the following, not-particularly-elucidating error whenever you try to do anything:

(in /Users/ryan/Sites/app_name) rake aborted! no such file to load -- /blah/blah/lib/initializer /Users/ryan/Sites/app_name/rakefile:4 (See full trace by running task with --trace)

The solution is just a simple, friendly:

rm -rf vendor/rails

Then you’ll be able to freeze again, and whatnot.

UPDATE I have submitted a patch to Rails to make it less dumb about this (and actually check that Rails really exists rather than just checking for its directories.) If you think this is a worthwhile patch, please go put a +1 in the ticket comments.

Then once we can set it to “Verified,” maybe it’ll be accepted in three years, just in time for Git to be supplanted by some other new nerd bauble.